Roasted Masala Makhana (Phool Makhana / Foxnuts)

Mid Week Munchies!! Looking for a healthy vegan crispy spicy snack to get through the day? You have GOT TO try these Roasted Masala Makhana!!

Masala roasted phool makhana recipe, how to roast makhana recipe, how to make makhana, roasted foxnuts recipe, how to cook lotus seeds recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

I almost thought summer was here and I'd started taking suggestions for summer recipes, you know those iced drinks that give you a brain freeze or those fresh salads etc. You get the idea. And then it started to rain. Not that I don't like it when it rains. I cannot say it enough - I love rains. Absolutely love love love (except when I am stuck outside in traffic). I'm a July baby, the month when monsoons are at their peak, so I guess my connection with rain is from birth. The sound of rain on a tin roof can still lull me off to sleep. 

There I go rambling, again!! But getting back to the point, rain makes me hungry. Well, at least it makes me want to eat. And I want those tiny bite sized snacks (usually pakoras) or sweets. Basically nothing healthy, get me anything deep fried or loaded on sugar and you are my new best friend.

This time, I did not have ingredients to make pakoras and I was just too lazy to go downstairs with an umbrella to buy pakoras. So ditch-the-deep-fried-snacks time it was.

So I made the next best thing - Roasted Masala Makhana, and it was SOOOOO good!!

Masala roasted phool makhana recipe, how to roast makhana recipe, how to make makhana, roasted foxnuts recipe, how to cook lotus seeds recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

I think I must have walked around super markets like 8 million times wondering what those puffy white balls kept on the shelf next to puffed rice was. I'd pick it up planning to find recipes online only to junk it at the billing counter, thinking I'll buy it next time after researching the recipes. But I'm glad my older and wiser sis Gee made me buy it like 2 months ago when we were both shopping. She told me how she had eaten it somewhere and it tasted so good, so crispy etc etc. She used all the right words and there I was finally billing it. 

This recipe is adapted from Veg Recipes of India. I love that site and most of all I trust Dassana, the author. I'm yet to find a recipe on her site that has failed me. I love her simple style of writing, all in all she is just awesome.

Masala roasted phool makhana recipe, how to roast makhana recipe, how to make makhana, roasted foxnuts recipe, how to cook lotus seeds recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

Masala roasted phool makhana recipe, how to roast makhana recipe, how to make makhana, roasted foxnuts recipe, how to cook lotus seeds recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

Makhana or Fox nuts are usually very chewy when packaged. To get them to crisp up, just roast them on really low heat in some oil until they are nice and crisp. Then immediately remove from heat and toss in the salt and spices. That's it. Nothing more! Allow it to cool before storing it in an air tight container.

I would have loved to tell you the shelf life, but in my house, it is very very short. Raj is a snacks magnet and is drawn to any snacks I hide in the kitchen. And since I'm trying really hard to stop buying snacks and biscuits and just make my own munchies, they barely last 2-3 days. I don't mind though as these are very healthy too.

Masala roasted phool makhana recipe, how to roast makhana recipe, how to make makhana, roasted foxnuts recipe, how to cook lotus seeds recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

In case you have never had it before, they taste very similar to pop corn but waaay crispier. And you can flavor them as you like. I had thought of chaat masala before I even looked at Dassana's recipe, so I stuck to it. But I've seen mint flavored and caramel flavored makhana in Food Hall and I may be trying to make them next.

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook, tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto. 

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

You can follow One Teaspoon Of Life is there on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+ or you can subscribe to One Teaspoon Of Life and receive all the latest updated via Email (How convenient!!)

If you liked this, you may also like:

Roasted Masala Makhana (Phool Makhana / Foxnuts )

Masala roasted phool makhana recipe, how to roast makhana recipe, how to make makhana, roasted foxnuts recipe, how to cook lotus seeds recipe at One Teaspoon Of LifeRoasted Masala Makhana is a vegan snack made by roasting foxnuts and tossing it with spices.

Recipe Type:  Snacks
Cuisine:            Indian
Prep Time:     0 minutes
Cook time:     20 minutes
Yield:                Serves 3-4


100gms Makhana (Phool Makhana / Foxnuts )
4-5 tsp Oil
1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder
1/2 tsp Red Chilli Powder
1 tsp Chaat Masala
Salt to taste


Heat oil in a pan or kadhai.
Add the makhana and roast on low flame for 12-15 minutes until crispy.
Remove from heat and immediately add the turmeric powder, red chilli powder and chaat masala. Mix well.
Add salt to taste. Chaat masala contains salt, so adjust the salt accordingly.
Store in an air tight container when completely cooled.

Masala roasted phool makhana recipe, how to roast makhana recipe, how to make makhana, roasted foxnuts recipe, how to cook lotus seeds recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life
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No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake (Egg and Gelatin free)

Vegetarian Cheesecake Time!!! This no-bake Strawberry Cheesecake is Egg and Gelatin free, it is made with easily available and fresh ingredients.

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We are a cheesecake loving family, well almost, except Gee, her poison is a dark gooey chocolate cake. But the rest of us are ready with our forks out at the mention of a cheesecake. Blueberry, Mango, Strawberry, bring them ON!
Initially we would love to go a gourmet bakery just to eat it. But then someone mentioned that cheesecakes have gelatin in them. Gelatin is what holds it together and it does a wonderful job at it, but it is not vegetarian. So then onwards there was a non-cheesecake existence, we could see it staring at us at malls, cakeshops and bakeries but never had the heart to go buy it. Then I found this recipe for a Mango Cheesecake by Anushruti. There was hope again for us!!!

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vegetarian cheesecake recipe, How to make no-bake cheesecake recipe, How to make strawberry cheesecake recipe, How to make cheesecake without gelatin recipe, Eggless strawberry cheesecake recipe at

vegetarian cheesecake recipe, How to make no-bake cheesecake recipe, How to make strawberry cheesecake recipe, How to make cheesecake without gelatin recipe, Eggless strawberry cheesecake recipe at
I will be honest - making a cheesecake at home is not a simple task. It really isn't. But the rewards are BIG and TASTY and VEGETARIAN!! I had to work with this recipe multiple times to get it right, the family definitely did not mind getting to eat Strawberry Cheesecake every weekend. I wondered how long their love would last, but I got the recipe right before they got bored, so hey, that's a win for me.  

Strawberries are currently plenty in the market and pretty cheap too. So this is the right time for the cheesecake. I took Anushruti's recipe as a base and changed it to suit my ingredients along the way.
A cheesecake is made of 2 major components - Biscuit Base and the Cheese Filling.

Biscuit Base 

I used different commonly available biscuits to make the biscuit base. I experimented with Goodday, Marie, Digestive Biscuits etc, sometimes it was a combination of different varieties. My pick at the end of the day - Marie. Marie biscuit is naturally very crispy and works beautifully here. It doesn't have too much of a flavor of its own, so it doesn't interfere with the taste of the filling and just ends up adding a very buttery crunch to the whole cheesecake. You may have a different favorite, just go with it. 
I used a mix of salted and unsalted butters, I liked the mild saltiness. I wouldn't recommend using only salted butter, however, you can use only unsalted butter and may be add a pinch of salt to it if you like the saltiness or avoid the salt all together.

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vegetarian cheesecake recipe, How to make no-bake cheesecake recipe, How to make strawberry cheesecake recipe, How to make cheesecake without gelatin recipe, Eggless strawberry cheesecake recipe at

Cheese Filling 

While the biscuit base is super simple to make, getting the cheese filling right was my mount Everest. The taste was spot on from day one, but it just would not set. The cheesecake would melt right before my eyes and break my heart. Hence, multiple retries and I'm happy to tell you the below recipe worked perfectly for us. I would have probably liked it a little firmer, but I'm a little worried if adding more china grass will leave an unpleasant aftertaste. 

Making the filling takes over a day. The first step is hanging the yogurt or curd in a muslin cloth to drain all the water from it. Use a thick set curd or preferably, buy Greek Yogurt. At the end of the draining, you should have a really thick creamy yogurt. The next ingredient is Paneer, blend it in a mixer to get a creamy paneer paste. Refrain from adding water during the blending. Strain to remove lumps. Add it to the yogurt and mix well. Add the powdered sugar and mix well. P

uree the strawberries and gently heat the puree on the stove. Don't let it boil, but it needs to be hot when you add the china grass to it, else the china grass will seize and become a lump. China Grass is the trickiest ingredient of the lot. Soak it for at least 10 minutes in water before heating it up. Do not heat the china grass directly on the stove top. Use a double boiler - take a pan and add water to it. Allow the water to come to a boil, then place the bowl containing the soaked china grass and allow it to melt, stirring occasionally. Once the china grass has completely dissolved in the water, add it to the hot strawberry puree and mix well. Immediately add this to the yogurt-paneer mix. Fold in.

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vegetarian cheesecake recipe, How to make no-bake cheesecake recipe, How to make strawberry cheesecake recipe, How to make cheesecake without gelatin recipe, Eggless strawberry cheesecake recipe at

Your cheesecake filling is ready. Pour it over the chilled biscuit base and refrigerate it for 5-6 hours until it sets.

The glaze can be either poured over the cheesecake while serving, or while it is setting. Making the glaze requires you to heat the strawberry puree with sugar for a few minutes. Allow it to cool and then pour over the cheesecake. If you'd like it to set along with the cake, pour it over the cheesecake after it has been refrigerated for 1-2 hours, else, pour it while serving.

To make individual sized portions, set the cheesecake in bowls or in glasses. These are perfect if you are hosting a party.

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook, tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto. 

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

You can follow One Teaspoon Of Life is there on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+ or you can subscribe to One Teaspoon Of Life and receive all the latest updated via Email (How convenient!!)

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If you liked this, you may also like these other desserts:

No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake (Egg and Gelatin Free)

vegetarian cheesecake recipe, How to make no-bake cheesecake recipe, How to make strawberry cheesecake recipe, How to make cheesecake without gelatin recipe, Eggless strawberry cheesecake recipe at www.oneteaspoonoflife.comNo-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake is an eggless and gelatin free frozen dessert made with fresh strawberries,yogurt and paneer. It is set using china grass or agar agar instead of gelatin or egg.

Recipe Type:  Dessert
Cuisine:            International
Prep Time:     45 minutes (Does not include setting time)
Cook time:     45 minutes
Yield:                Serves 6-8


200gms fresh Strawberries (20-25)
400gms Greek Yogurt or Thick Full Fat Curd
200gms Paneer
10gms China Grass (Agar Agar)
1.25 cups Sugar
10-12 Digestive Biscuits
3 Tbsp unsalted Butter
1 Tbsp salted butter


To make the Biscuit Base:

Crush the biscuits until they are a coarse powder.
Add the butter to the biscuit powder and mix well.
Put the biscuit crumbs into the cake pan. You will need to use a springform cake pan or a cake pan with a detachable bottom plate. Alternately, you can also make individual sized portions in glasses.
Gently press the biscuit crumb until the bottom of the entire pan is coated evenly with it with a slight rise along the edges. Make sure there are no holes in the layer.
Keep the cake pan in the fridge for 2-3 hours. This can be done simultaneously with hanging the yogurt

To make the Strawberry Cheesecake Filling:

Tie the yogurt or curd in a muslin cloth and leave it hanging for 3-4 hours until all the water is drained from it. I left it overnight in the fridge.
Blend the paneer in a mixer/blender until smooth. Strain if required to remove lumps.
Add the creamed paneer to the hung yogurt and mix well.
Powder the sugar.
Add 1.5 cups of the powdered sugar to the yogurt-paneer mix and whisk well until combined.
Soak china grass in 3/4 cup of water for 10-15 minutes.
Heat water in a pan, once the water boils, place the bowl containing the china grass into the pan.
Do not allow the china grass to come to a boil. Stir occasionally. Continue to heat the china grass until it dissolves completely in the water. This may take 15-20 minutes.
In the meanwhile, puree 12-15 strawberries until smooth.
Add the puree to a small pan and heat it on low heat. The puree should not come to a boil but should be hot when we add the china grass.
Once the china grass has completely dissolved, add it to the hot strawberry puree and mix well.
Taste to see if you need more sugar, you can stir in more powdered sugar at this point.
Immediately pour this into the yogurt-paneer mix and fold in until combined.
Refrigerate the cheesecake for 6-7 hours until set.

To make the Strawberry Glaze:

Puree the remaining strawberries until smooth.
Heat the puree in a small pan.
Add the remaining powdered sugar by the spoonful. You may need more if the strawberries are very tart.
Simmer on low heat for 4-5 minutes.
Allow it to cool completely.
Then pour over the cheesecake evenly. Allow it to set for at least 1 hour before serving. Alternately, you can pour the glaze just before serving as well.

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Amritsari Chhole

It is time for Tea Lovers like me to get excited, this dark vibrant Amritsari Chhole is cooked along with tea and spices.

How to make Amritsari Chhole recipe at How to cook pindi chhole with tomato at One Teaspoon Of Life Vegan Chickpea Recipes

Would I skip the chance to have TEA for lunch? Probably not!

When a recipe calls for Tea as an ingredient, I'm more than likely to try it out. There was no way I'd skip making this wonderfully vibrant Amritsari Chhole.

Chhole has always been a house favorite. When we go to any North Indian restaurant or may be just the food court at the mall, Raj consistently orders Chhole-Bature. Just to prove he isn't this predictable, he toys with available options, but eventually we do end up with a bowl of dark Chhole and a spaceship sized Batura on our table. That man, so predictable, I say!!

How to make Amritsari Chhole recipe at How to cook pindi chhole with tomato at One Teaspoon Of Life Vegan Chickpea Recipes

So come weekend, I made this dark spicy Amritsari Chhole with soft fluffly Puris. To make Amritsari Chhole, you need to soak the dried chickpeas or kabuli chana/chhole overnight. The next day cook it along with spices and a tea bag. It is this Tea that gives it that wonderfully dark handsome look.

I love to try out different types of teas - Green Tea, Darjeeling Tea, Fennel Tea and what not. But when it comes my daily cuppa Chai or Tea, it has to be Assam Tea. That dark bold tea boiled with milk and sugar, sometimes with added ginger is what I crave every morning and evening. It is this kinda tea, dark bold Tea that works best with this recipe as well. Light teas will not impart color or the depth of flavor that Amritsari Chhole is made up of.

How to make Amritsari Chhole recipe at How to cook pindi chhole with tomato at One Teaspoon Of Life Vegan Chickpea Recipes

If you don't have tea bags at home, just tie up regular tea powder or tea leaves in a small piece of muslin cloth and add it while cooking the chhole. You can make a similar pouch of the spices too and add it to the chhole.

Anardana or dried Pomegranate seeds powder is added for sourness in Amritsari Chhole. If you don't have it (I usually don't), just replace it with Amchur (dried Mango Powder) or tamarind juice. Also, in this recipe I have not used any ready made store bought Chhole Masala Powder, but I've used the Spice Powders that are available in every Indian Kitchen.

How to make Amritsari Chhole recipe at How to cook pindi chhole with tomato at One Teaspoon Of Life Vegan Chickpea Recipes

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook, tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto. 

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

You can follow One Teaspoon Of Life is there on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+ or you can subscribe to One Teaspoon Of Life and receive all the latest updated via Email (How convenient!!)

If you liked this, you may also like:

  • Chhole Palak - Chickpeas cooked in a palak / spinach based gravy.
  • Rajma - Red kidney beans cooked with a spicy tomato based masala.
  • Corn Tomato Bharta - Curry made with grilled or roasted tomatoes and sweet corn.

Amritsari Chhole

How to make Amritsari Chhole recipe at How to cook pindi chhole with tomato at One Teaspoon Of Life Vegan Chickpea RecipesAmritsari Chhole is made by cooking Chickpeas/ kabuli chana along with tea, spices, tomato and onion.

Recipe Type:  Main Course
Cuisine:          North Indian
Prep Time:     8 Hours (Includes chickpea soaking time)
Cook time:     60 minutes
Yield:              2-3 Servings


1 cup dried Chickpeas / Kabuli Chana
2 medium Onion
2 medium Tomato
4-5 cloves Garlic
1" piece Ginger
1 Tea bag
1 Bay leaf / Tej patta
1" piece Cinnamon / Dalchini
1-2 Green Cardamom
1-2 Black Cardamom / Badi Elaichi
2-3 Cloves
1 tsp Jeera / Cumin seeds
2 Tbsp Pomegranate seeds / Anardana or 1 tsp Amchur / Dry Mango Powder
2-3 tsp Coriander powder
2-3 tsp Cumin powder
2 tsp Red chilli powder
2 Tbsp Oil
1 Tbsp Kasuri Methi
Salt to taste
Water as required
A handful Coriander leaves


Soak the kabuli chana in 2 cups of water overnight.
Pressure cook the chana along with 2 cups water,tea bag, bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, green cardamom, black cardamom and around 1 tsp of salt until soft. It took me around 3-4 whistles or around 10-12 mins.
Drain the cooked chana and preserve the water. Discard the tea bag, cloves, cinnamon and bayleaf.
Dry roast the anardana and grind into a coarse powder. If you don't have anardana, you can use amchur.
Grind the onion along with the ginger and garlic
Heat oil in a pan and add the cumin seeds
Once they brown slightly, add the onion paste. Fry until all the water has evaporated and the onion turns slightly brown
Grind the tomato into a paste and add to the pan
Add all the spices to the pan and cook until the oil separates or around 8-10 mins on low flame
Add 1 cup of the water the chana was cooked in to the pan and simmer for 2 mins
Add the chana and salt. Add more of the cooking water if needed and simmer for another 5 mins.
Add kasuri methi and simmer for 1 minute.
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves
Enjoy hot with puris or roti

How to make Amritsari Chhole recipe at How to cook pindi chhole with tomato at One Teaspoon Of Life Vegan Chickpea Recipes

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MIL's Spicy Tomato Curry with fried Bhindi (Okra) [Video]

Spicy Tomato Curry with fried Bhindi / Okra recipe with video instructions. Spicy Tomato Curry is a quick vegan tomato soup that is served with pan fried okra. Spicy Tomato Curry is vegan, gluten free and fits a Jain diet.

In a hurry? Jump to Video or Jump to Recipe

How to make spicy tomato soup recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

How to make spicy tomato soup recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

They say winter is over. While I love the promise of sunshine all through the day, I miss the chill in the air. Luckily, it is still chilly in the morning, so I'm enjoying the last few days with my jacket until it is stacked in the cupboard for the next 6-7 months until the monsoons bring on some more chill.

Winter may be over, and warm nights back on the calendar, but hey, that really does not stop me from enjoying hot meals. And speaking of hot meals, especially my Mother-in-law's Spicy Tomato Curry. This curry is perfect for winter nights or rainy nights when all you want is a bowl of spicy sour soul warming goodness. But don't let the weather stop you from enjoying something this delicious. Unless you live on the coast in a tropical country in the Northern Hemisphere, you still have a few days of cold nights left, use it to enjoy this Tomato Curry.

While the name suggests curry, this is really a spicy Tomato Soup flavored with cumin, thickened with chickpea flour (gram flour/ besan) and garnished with fried okra (bhindi). Isn't fried okra the BEST? Crispy crunchy salty and we can always pretend it is healthy, after all it is a vegetable. If I haven't convinced you to fry that okra, you can just as well be a health freak and grill it up until it is nice and charred. My mother in law sometimes adds boiled potato cubes to the curry as well, but okra is the family favorite.

This is probably the quickest and absolutely no fuss soup I know to prepare. So no fine chopping, no 100 ingredients, no exotic spices (unless you consider cumin exotic), no hours and hours of simmering. NADA!!! Just 3 main ingredients and barely 40 minutes to prepare. No chopping, just blending.

How to make spicy tomato soup recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

How to make spicy tomato soup recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

Making this curry is super simple. I pressure cook the tomatoes whole for 8-10 minutes or 1-2 whistles. Then allow them to cool a little, before peeling them and blending. Meanwhile, fry up your chopped okra or boil the potatoes. Heat oil in a kadhai or pot and add cumin seeds. When they brown, add in the gram flour and saute it well for 1 minute. Then add in the blended tomatoes. Add water if required. Season with salt and red chilli powder and allow it to simmer for 5-8 minutes. If it is too thin, add more gram flour. If it is too thick add water. Too sweet, then add a little tamarind juice or lime juice. Too sour, then you can sweeten it with sugar or jaggery. Just TRUST your taste buds more than anything. I like my curry hot, sour with full flavor of cumin. Add the fried okra or potato just before serving.

Serve it with some crusty bread and dinner is done! You can also serve it with rice, though then I'd recommend you keep it thick.

How to make spicy tomato soup recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

How to make spicy tomato soup recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

How to make spicy tomato soup recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook, tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto. 

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

You can follow One Teaspoon Of Life is there on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+ or you can subscribe to One Teaspoon Of Life and receive all the latest updated via Email (How convenient!!)

Video Recipe


Spicy Tomato Curry

How to make spicy tomato soup recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life www.oneteaspoonoflife.comSpicy and easy Tomato Curry or Soup made with fresh tomatoes, thickened with gram flour and garnished with crispy fried okra.

Recipe Type:  Soup
Cuisine:            Indian
Prep Time:     10 minutes
Cook time:     40 minutes
Yield:                Serves 2-3


5-6 large Tomatoes
6 tsp Oil
1 Tbsp Gram Flour (Chickpea Flour / Besan)
1 tsp Cumin seeds (Jeera)
15-20 small Okra (Bhindi)
0.5 tsp Turmeric Powder (Optional)
A handful of Curry leaves
Red Chilli Powder to taste
Salt to taste
Water as required


1. Pressure cook the tomatoes with 1 cup of water for 1-2 whistles or 8-10 minutes. If cooking in a pan, cook the tomatoes until they are soft. Reserve the water.
2. Peel the tomatoes and leave aside to cool.
3. Chop the end of the okra.
4. Heat 3 tsp oil in a small pan and fry the okra until they are slightly browned and crispy. Keep flipping the okra so that they cook evenly.
5. Once the tomatoes have cooled, blend into a puree with 1 cup of reserved water.
6. Once the tomatoes have cooled, blend into a puree.
7. Heat 3 tsp Oil in a large pan or pot and add the cumin seeds and curry leaves.
8. Once they brown slightly, add the gram flour and saute for 1 minute until the raw smell disappears.
9. Add turmeric powder and red chilli powder.
10. Pour in the blended tomatoes and 1 cup of water. Add salt to taste.
11. Let it come to a boil and then simmer for 5-8 minutes.
12. If the consistency is too thick, add more water. If it is too thin, add a 1 Tbsp gram flour mixed in water.
13. If the curry is too sour, add a little sugar. If the curry is not sour enough add a little tamarind juice or lime juice.
14. Add the crispy okra just before serving.
15. Serve hot with crusty bread or rice.

How to make spicy tomato soup recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life

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Corn Tomato Bharta

Vegan tomato curry from Maharashtra, Maharshtrian tomato saar
Tomato Saar
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Vegan Zucchini Spinach Frittata

What's next on your breakfast table? How about this light and fluffy Vegan Zucchini Spinach Frittata made from chickpea flour, zucchini and spinach!

How to make vegan frittata recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life How to make vegetarian vegan omelet recipe at

Breakfast time!

I've been eating clean this week. I've got some annoying breakouts on my face and I have gotta get rid of them. By clean eating, I mean no sugar, no greasy fried food, no processed food, basically no giving into temptation. So HARD, especially when people in office are getting sweets and chocolates pretty much everyday.

Instead I'm eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. At the start of the week I had oranges, apples, pomegranates and strawberry. Yummm. So fresh. I'm also on my way to making my first ever all natural orange face pack. Hope it works...

How to make vegan frittata recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life How to make vegetarian vegan omelet recipe at

Even if you don't have any acne or other skin problems, just try this little trick my sister Gee taught me. Soak orange peels in a mug of water for 3 to 4 hours or overnight. Use that water to wash your face. Careful with your eyes though - keep them shut. That water has such a fresh fragrance of oranges, it will wake you up instantly and leave your skin smelling all orange-y for a good half hour. I'm not even a fan of oranges, but I definitely loved that fresh feel in the morning. If you have any such wonderful beauty rituals, leave me a comment.

Beauty tips aside for the moment. Let me get back to my clean green recipe - Vegan Zucchini Spinach Frittata. Frittata is usually a really thick omelet that is either baked or cooked in a deep pan on stovetop. This vegan zucchini spinach frittata is made from chickpea flour or gram flour (besan). lightness of the frittata is achieved by adding fruit salt (eno). If you don't find fruit salt, replace 1 tsp of fruit salt with 1/2 tsp of baking soda and 1/2 tsp of lime juice or citric acid. Allow it to rest for at least 10 minutes to let the baking soda react with the citric acid.

How to make vegan frittata recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life How to make vegetarian vegan omelet recipe at

You remember this wonderful Vegan Zucchini Kale Lasagna I made last week? I still had some baby zucchinis left over from it, that I sliced into thin slices and used here in this frittata. It is clean and it is green, One green ingredient down, more to go.

I wilted some spinach with garlic and chopped that roughly and added it to the frittata for my second and last green ingredient. Toss in some chopped onions and tomatoes and we are all set to make the frittata. Here's the fun part now, you can flavor this frittata however you like. I kept it minimal and only added a pinch of turmeric and half a teaspoon of chilli flakes. You can add anything from herbs like oregano, thyme, basil to spices like cumin, fennel or carom. After all, you are the CHEF!

How to make vegan frittata recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life How to make vegetarian vegan omelet recipe at

How to make vegan frittata recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life How to make vegetarian vegan omelet recipe at

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook, tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto. 

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

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Vegan Zucchini Spinach Frittata

How to make vegan frittata recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life How to make vegetarian vegan omelet recipe at www.oneteaspoonoflife.comVegan Zucchini Spinach Frittata is a pan fried vegan frittata (thick omelet) made with chickpea flour (besan), zucchini and garlic wilted spinach

Recipe Type:  Breakfast
Cuisine:            Indian
Prep Time:     10 minutes
Cook time:     15 minutes
Yield:                Makes 2


1 cup Chickpea flour or Besan or Gram Flour
2 cups chopped Spinach
2 baby Zucchini
1 small Onion
1 small Tomato
2 Garlic Cloves
1/2 tsp Chilli flakes
1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder
1 tsp Fruit Salt or Eno
1 cup Water
4-5 tsp Oil
Salt to taste


Mince the garlic. Finely chop the onion and tomato. Slice the zucchini.
Heat 2 tsp oil in a pan.
Add the minced garlic and fry for 20-30 seconds.
Add the chopped spinach and fry until wilted. It may take around 2-3 minutes.
Take the chickpea flour in a large bowl.
Add turmeric powder, chilli flakes, salt, fruit salt and 1/2 cup water. Add more water if required. The batter should be loose and light.
Heat a small non stick frying pan and grease it.
Spoon half the batter onto the pan.
Sprinkle half of the wilted spinach, zucchini, onion and tomato. Alternately, you can add all the vegetables to the batter before spooning the batter.
Cook on low to medium heat. Spoon oil on the sides.
Once the first side browns slightly, spoon 1 tsp of oil on the top and flip the frittata.
Cook until the second side browns slightly. Remove from heat.
Repeat the same steps with the other half of the batter.
Serve hot.

How to make vegan frittata recipe at One Teaspoon Of Life How to make vegetarian vegan omelet recipe at
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Undhiyu | Gujarati Undhiyo Recipe | Gujarati Mix Vegetable Curry [Video]

Undhiyu Recipe with step by step video instructions. Undhiyu is a mix vegetable Winter curry from the western state of Gujarat. It is a lovely green curry made from fresh coconut, coriander leaves and other aromatics and spices. The choicest of the winter vegetables are added along with the quintessential Muthia or Muthiya. This winter special is best enjoyed with hot Puris.

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gujarati undhiyo, surti undhiyu

Food is how I celebrate and this mix vegetable Gujarati Undhiyu is just that. A celebration in your mouth. Full of seasonal winter vegetables and spices. A warming bowl of curry. I made this last week. Somehow it took me a week to get this published. I cooked some other amazing dishes like this Vegan Zucchini Kale Lasagna that I was really excited to post about, and somehow this celebratory bowl just took the backseat. Not that this is any less amazing, but I was super excited to have tried my hand at making vegan cheese that I had to bring it out to the world just as quickly as I could. 

Back to my all-time favorite Gujarati curry - Undhiyu. While one thinks of India as a predominantly vegetarian eating country, it happens we are all wrong. Apparently a lot of India actually caters to the non vegetarians, but there is one state that never lets down vegetarians - Gujarat. The western most state of India is full of flavorful vegetarian food. From Dhokla to Handvo and similar scary sounding dishes that actually explode with flavor in your mouth to this super delicious Undhiyu. Undhiyu in it's humblest form is actually just a simple mix vegetable curry that is made using seasonal winter vegetables and a masala paste made using coconut, fresh coriander leaves and a few spices.

I had forgotten how much I liked Undhiyu until recently my sis's sis in law got us some. I couldn't get enough of it. I could have eaten the entire pot full of curry, but hey, I'm not that rude, I had to leave some for the rest. I HAD to make some of my own that I need not share with anyone, except of course Raj. I can rarely sneak food without him knowing, after all, he does the dishes. I love that man.

gujarati undhiyo, surti undhiyu

gujarati undhiyo, surti undhiyu

Traditionally, Undhiyu uses the following vegetables:
  • Potato
  • Baby brinjal or eggplant
  • Purple yam
  • Yam
  • Raw banana or plantain
  • Fresh Toovar or Pigeon Peas (Togarikalu)
  • Fresh Surti Papdi or Hyacinth Beans (Avarekai / Avarekalu)

A lot of this can be substituted if it is not the season or not available in your area. I could get most of it, except the purple yam. I'm yet to find it in Bangalore. I used Arbi. You can replace it with any variety of yam. The fresh toovar or pigeon peas can be replaced with fresh green beans. The surti papdi can be replaced with green beans and the surti beans can be replaced with Edamame. Don't worry about having the exact ingredients, just use what is available.

Apart from the vegetables, steamed balls made of gram flour or besan, spices and methi leaves (fenugreek leaves) called Muthia are also added for more flavor and texture. Methi leaves add a nice salty fragrance to the dish. But if you cannot find methi, feel free to replace with dill leaves, coriander or any fragrant greens. You can also buy ready made muthia in some places, like Ahmedabad and Mumbai.

gujarati undhiyo, surti undhiyu

Undhiyu gets all its flavor from the green masala. The green masala is made by blending together fresh coriander leaves, fresh coconut, ginger, garlic, green chillies, sesame seeds, coriander powder, cumin powder, sugar, salt and lime juice. This masala is then stuffed into brinjal, and into baby potatoes if you use them. Then just heat oil in a pressure cooker and layer the vegetables and leftover masala and cook for 1-2 whistles until done. A pressure cooker drastically cuts down the cooking time making it a very quick cooking dish. However, if you don't own a pressure cooker, just use a covered flat bottomed saucepan or pot, preferably deep.

Undhiyu is generally eaten with either roti or puri.

gujarati undhiyo, surti undhiyu

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo @oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are up to.

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

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Undhiyu | Gujarati Undhiyo Recipe | Gujarati Mix Vegetable Curry

gujarati undhiyo, surti undhiyu Gujarati Undhiyu or Undhiyo is a vegan mix vegetable curry made with seasonal winter vegetables, methi muthia and a coriander based masala.

Recipe Type:  Curry
Cuisine:            Indian
Prep Time:     30 minutes
Cook time:     45 minutes
Total time:     75 minutes
Yield:                Serves 4 to 5


The Vegetables:

5-6 Baby Potatoes
5-6 small Brinjals
1 raw Banana
1 small Sweet Potato
0.5 cup fresh Toovar or Pigeon Peas or Green Peas
0.5 cup fresh Surti beans or Hyacinth Beans or Edamame
8-10 fresh Surti Papdi or Green Beans

For the green masala:

1 cup chopped Coriander
1 cup grated Coconut
1 Tbsp Garlic, chopped
1 Tbsp Ginger, chopped
2-3 Green Chilli
2 tsp Coriander Powder
1 tsp Cumin Powder
0.5 tsp Turmeric Powder (Optional)
1 Tbsp Sesame Seeds
1 tsp Sugar
0.5 lime
Salt to taste

For the methi muthia:

1 cup Methi leaves, tightly packed
1 cup Whole wheat flour (atta)
0.5 cup fine Semolina (rava / sooji)
1 Tbsp Gram flour (Besan)
1 tsp Cumin Powder
2 tsp Coriander Powder
1 tsp Sugar
Pinch of asafoetida (hing)
2 tsp Red chilli powder
0.5 tsp Turmeric powder
3 Tbsp Oil
Salt to taste
Water as required
Oil to fry

For the tempering (tadka):

4-5 Tbsp Oil
0.5 tsp Carom seeds or Ajwain
1 tsp Cumin seeds or Jeera

1 cup Water


To make the methi muthia:

1. Add the coriander powder, cumin powder, hing, red chilli powder, turmeric powder, sugar, salt and 2 Tbsp oil to the chopped methi leaves and mix well.
2. Add in gram flour (besan), whole wheat flour, semolina (rava / sooji) and 1 Tbsp of remaining oil and knead into a stiff dough with water.
3. Heat Oil in a deep pan for frying.
4. Shape the muthia into small logs and deep fry until done and browned.
5. Keep aside until required.

To make the green masala:

6. Grind together all the ingredients for the green masala. If the mixture is too dry and difficult to grind, add only 1 tsp of water to help grinding. Adding too much water will make the consistency of the masala too loose.

To make the Undhiyu:

7. Peel the raw banana and cut into large chunks.
8. Chop the sweet potato into chunks.
9. Chop the surti papdi or the beans into 1" pieces.
10. Make a criss cross lengthwise slit on the brinjal and the baby potato.
11. Stuff the brinjals and potatoes with the masala.
12. Heat 4-5 Tbsp oil in the pressure cooker.
13. Add carom seeds (ajwain) and cumin seeds.
14. Once they brown slightly, add the surti papdi, surti beans and the fresh toovar or their replacements.
15. Add one third of the leftover masala and mix well.
16. Now add the raw banana and sweet potato.
17. Sprinkle over one third of the green masala. Sprinkle over 2-3 pinches of salt and 1-2 Tbsp oil.
18. Now layer the stuffed vegetables on the top along with the muthia.
19. Add the remaining masala and sprinkle a pinch of salt.
20. Add 1 cup of water from the side. Cover and pressure cook for 2-3 whistles or 8-10 minutes.
21. After the pressure settles, open the pressure cooker and gently mix the curry without breaking the stuffed vegetables.
22. Garnish with lots of fresh grated coconut and chopped coriander leaves before serving. Serve hot with roti or puris.

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