Roasted Sweet Potato, Chickpea and Quinoa Salad Recipe

Vegan salad made with roasted sweet potatoes, baked spicy chickpeas, quinoa, pomegranate seeds, walnuts and veggies by tossing them in a simple dressing made of mustard and dates!

roasted sweet potato, chickpea, quinoa salad with walnuts, pomegranate, broccoli and beans in a mustard date dressing

Until my 20s, a salad in my life was just a plateful of sliced tomatoes or cucumbers. A boring but supremely healthy plate of food that neither tempted the vision nor the appetite. And then, I found this salad bar in a mall food court that totally made me love salads. While salad bars are extremely common in the west, there aren't many out here in the tropical sub continent. May be it is the weather or may be it just that there is no demand. I loved the idea that I could pile up my bowl with anything and everything and make my own salad. Unfortunately, the place shut down after a while. But ever since, I love DIY salads.

While I eat salads, I rarely post their recipes. When I make salads at home, they are usually very simple - veggies tossed in a simple vinaigrette, so I don't share them with you. But this salad, I had to share!!

roasted sweet potato, chickpea, quinoa salad with walnuts, pomegranate, broccoli and beans in a mustard date dressing

Where do I begin with this salad... it has so many delicious things all mixed together.
  • Roasted Sweet Potato - I found some gorgeous orange sweet potato (a rare find in Bangalore), so I bought some and roasted it in the oven with olive oil, salt, cumin and smoked paprika until they were soft and fabulous. Alternatively, roast some pumpkin.
  • Spicy baked Chickpeas - You have to add some crunch to the salad, and in this case, these chickpeas are the crunch element. I soaked chickpeas overnight and cooked them with salt until soft. Then I peeled them and roasted them with olive oil and salt. I tossed in some red chilli powder after removing from the oven. You can buy crispy chickpeas or you can just add boiled chickpeas.
  • Quinoa - This is what makes the salad filling and increases the protein content of the salad. If you cannot find quinoa, use millet or buckwheat.
  • Blanched Vegetables - I blanched some broccoli and beans and added them to the salad. I love broccoli and beans are just healthy. Add any of your favorite veggies, blanched or raw.
  • Pomegranate - I love pomegranate and I will add this to any salad I can. These sweet juicy pink seeds make any salad pop. They add a slight sweetness to the salad and complement the sweet potato really well.
  • Walnuts - You can never have enough crunch in a salad. Add in any nuts you love, I personally love walnuts. Plus, they are good for your brain.
  • Lettuce - Salad isn't salad until you have some green leaves. And while I list is last, it is most definitely the mandatory element of the salad. You can replace it with kale or baby spinach.
Since the salad itself had such gorgeous ingredients, I kept the dressing simple, yet interesting. Mustard, dates, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, garlic and salt. Just blend everything until you have a tart sweet and hot dressing. 

This salad is substantial enough to be a meal in itself. In fact, it was our dinner and it kept us feeling full for a long time. However, it felt light also. 

The salad has ingredients that need preparation - roasting, baking, blanching and boiling. You can prep all of these in advance. That is exactly what I did. I roasted the sweet potato and chickpeas the day before. The chickpeas tend to get a little soft and chewy, but you can pop them in the oven for a while before adding to the salad to crisp them up again. I boiled the quinoa the previous day too. If you plan to make the salad the very next day, then you can also blanch the veggies the night before.

roasted sweet potato, chickpea, quinoa salad with walnuts, pomegranate, broccoli and beans in a mustard date dressing

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto.

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

You can follow One Teaspoon Of Life on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterest and Google+ or you can subscribe to One Teaspoon Of Life and receive all the latest updated via Email


Roasted Sweet Potato, Chickpea and Quinoa Salad Recipe

roasted sweet potato, chickpea, quinoa salad with walnuts, pomegranate, broccoli and beans in a mustard date dressingVegan salad made with roasted sweet potatoes, baked spicy chickpeas, quinoa, pomegranate seeds, walnuts and veggies by tossing them in a simple dressing made of mustard and dates.

Recipe Type:  Salad
Cuisine:            International
Prep Time:     8 hours
Cook time:     60 minutes
Yield:                Serves 2-3


1 cup Quinoa (uncooked)
1 medium Sweet Potato
100gms dried Chickpeas
0.5 cup Pomegranate Seeds
10 French Beans
1 cup Broccoli florets
6-8 Walnuts
3 cups Lettuce leaves, loosely packed
5 tsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Mustard Powder
0.5 tsp Garlic Powder
0.25 cup Vinegar
0.25 cup Water
8 Dates
0.5 tsp Red chilli powder
0.5 tsp Smoked Paprika
0.5 tsp Cumin Powder
Salt to taste


1. Soak the chickpeas for 8-10 hours. Drain and boil in salted water until done.
2. Drain and peel the chickpeas. Dry as much as possible.
3. Toss with 1 tsp Olive oil and bake at 200 degree C for 25-30 minutes until crisp.
4. Remove from oven and toss with red chilli powder.
5. Peel and dice the sweet potato.
6. Toss in 2 tsp olive oil, smoked paprika, salt and cumin powder until all pieces are coated.
7. Bake for 35-40 minutes at 200 degree C until done.
8. Cook the quinoa as per instructions on the packet until done. I soaked the quinoa for 1 hour and pressure cooked with 1.5 cups of water.
9. Boil water and add a pinch of salt. Blanch the broccoli florets and beans for 2-3 minutes. Remove from hot water and immediately put the broccoli and beans in cold water.
10. Soak the dates in warm water. Drain the water, deseed the dates and blend into a puree. Use little water while blending if required.
11. Blend together mustard powder, vinegar, garlic powder, date puree, water and salt until mixed.
12. Make the salad by tossing the lettuce leaves, roasted sweet potato, chickpeas, quinoa, blanched broccoli, chopped blanched beans, walnuts, pomegranate seeds and the dressing together.
13. Serve at room temperature.

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Vegan Date and Walnut Cake Recipe [Video]

Vegan cake made with dates and walnuts!

Vegan cake made with dates and walnuts

A few weeks before my birthday, Gee asked me to help her bake a cake. She's only ever baked two cakes in her whole life - Banana Bread and one plain Vanilla, but both a long time ago. And both of those in my house. This time, she wanted to bake one in her house to test out her oven. I was all confident telling her what to buy and how much to buy, until I landed up in her house and realized, that the last cake I baked, not muffins or cheesecakes, but a loaf cake was actually 2 years ago!!! 

As a cook, it is never good to forget your skills, and here I was all lost and upset. So I decided I need to start baking more often. Lo and behold, this Date and Walnut Cake. I made it multiple times since I first did to just brush up my baking skills and dust out my recipes. And I can say with conviction, that I have loved it each time that I baked it. It has been a little difficult however, to stop sneaking in a piece - for me and for Raj. He'll even wipe out the crumbs (so will I !!). This cake is uber moist and slightly dense. It is rich and gooey to eat and when you find those little bits of walnuts and dates, it makes the bite, that much more special. I love the walnuts in the cake!!

If you like light airy cakes, then this may not fit the bill. 

Vegan cake made with dates and walnuts

The lucky recipients of my trials have been our friends. Lots of free cake going around from this household. 

Date and Walnut has always been a family favorite, only this time, I made it Vegan. It wasn't that I was looking for a vegan recipe, but this one just worked so perfect that I don't think I'll ever want to add dairy and change it. The cake uses Coconut Oil as the fat component, and I tell you, it tastes delicious. It imparts a slightly coconutty taste to the cake, that makes it so much more exotic in flavor. If you aren't such a coconut fan, use any neutral flavored oil like canola or sunflower. To enhance the coconut flavor (cause I'm a big coconut lover), I used coconut milk. Feel free to use almond or soy milk. If you have none, use water, however it may make the cake feel less rich in taste.

There are three sweeteners in here - Dates, Jaggery and Sugar. 

  • Dates - Use the best quality you can. The flavor does come through and you want it to be good. I usually buy dates with seed and deseed them while using. The dates are cooked along with jaggery and water until soft and then blended to a puree. This adds sweetness as well as flavor to the cake.
  • Jaggery - Jaggery is unrefined cane sugar.  With refined sugar off the list for many of us these day, jaggery is the perfect replacement. You can use palm sugar or coconut sugar or brown sugar if you cannot find jaggery. If you do have access to jaggery, buy the darkest, that is the least refined and has the best flavor profile. Sometimes, it even tastes like chocolate. 
  • Sugar - I used half a cup of jaggery, and later added refined sugar, because the cake wasn't sweet enough. To avoid using refined sugar, just increase the quantity of jaggery to 1 cup or use powdered sifted jaggery powder later if the sweetness is less. You could also replace all of the jaggery with powdered sugar.

Vegan cake made with dates and walnuts

I have used all purpose flour or maida in the cake. I generally opt for whole wheat, however, I did not want this cake to be any heavier than it already was with all the vegan liquid ingredients. I suggest, if you are looking to use whole wheat, keep it at 50% and the remaining 50%, use all purpose flour.

The best part of the cake is the walnuts. Be generous. However, let me warn you that the cake gets a little difficult to slice when those walnut bits come in the way and you may not get the perfect slice. But don't let that stop you from baking the cake. Your family won't mind the large chunky slices, I assure you.cThe cake is soft and moist, so only slice it once it has cooled completely. Slicing it when hot will lead to it breaking into chunks around the walnuts.

Serve it warm with tea/coffee. 

Vegan cake made with dates and walnuts

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto.

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

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Video Recipe


Vegan Date and Walnut Cake Recipe

Vegan cake made with dates and walnutsVegan loaf cake made with dates and walnuts. Eggless and dairy free cake.

Recipe Type:  Dessert
Cuisine:            Indian
Prep Time:     20 minutes
Cook time:     50 minutes
Total time:     70 minutes
Yield:                Makes one 9 inch loaf


30 Dates
10 Walnuts
2 cups Flour
200 ml Coconut Milk
0.5 Coconut Oil
0.5 cup powdered Jaggery
4 Tbsp powdered Sugar
1 tsp Baking Powder
0.5 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Vanilla Extract or Essence
Pinch of salt
0.5 cup Water


1. Boil together 20 chopped dates, water and the jaggery until the dates are soft or 5-6 minutes. If you want to make a refined sugar free cake, increase the quantity of jaggery to 1 cup.
2. Allow the mixture to cool, and then blend to a smooth puree. Add water if required.
3. Mix together the coconut oil and half the coconut milk until combined.
4. Add in the date puree and mix well.
5. Add the vanilla extract and mix well.
6. Sift in the flour, baking powder and baking soda. You can add a pinch of salt if you want.
7. Mix until combined. Use the remaining coconut milk to loosen the batter if it is very dry.
8. If the cake batter isn't sweet enough, add the powdered sugar until you get the desired sweetness.
9. Mix in chopped walnuts and the remaining dates.
10. Grease a cake tin (9") and line with parchment paper or butter paper.
11. Pour in the batter.
12. Bake for 35-40 minutes at 200 degree C or until done. An inserted toothpick or knife should come out clean.
13. Demould after 4-5 minutes.
14. Allow to cool before slicing.

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Soya Biryani Recipe [Video]

Soya Biryani is a spicy vegan layered rice dish made with nutritious soya chunks, mixed vegetables and fragrant long grained Basmati Rice.

If you love Biryani, you have arrived at the right place. This Soya Biryani is meaty, spicy and fragrant and perfect when you crave carbs and something spicy. 

To be honest, I am not a Biryani fanatic like a lot of my friends. While a lot of my friends can eat biryani for every meal, I'm usually the one who refuses to accompany them and I'd rather settle for a simple meal of roti and a dry sabzi with lots of fresh coconut. But I enjoy the spicy indulgence occasionally, especially on a real bad work day or on Sundays, when I have all the time in the world to give to the Biryani.

This Biryani recipe is my go-to recipe. I've made it with raw jackfruit, with mixed vegetables and with mushrooms, changing it ever so slightly at times. When I have ghee at home, I use that instead of the oil. When in mood, I use sour yogurt instead of tomatoes. But I keep the spicy masala the same, for the simple reason, because it works!!

While there are good instant biryani recipes, to make the best Biryani, you need to give it love and time. You need to coax out the flavor of the spices by gently cooking them in oil. The tomatoes need to soften and come together with the spices. The birista or the fried brown onions needs their own time to crisp up and develop the flavor. While you may not miss much if you leave these steps out, but you will love it when you make it with patience.

Spicy Soya Biryani made with soya chunks, mix vegetables and basmati rice

This Biryani uses mini soy chunks as the main ingredient. Since soya chunks are porous and meaty, they absorb the flavors of the spices perfectly. Cook the soya nuggets or chunks as described on the packet or just soak them in hot water and squeeze out the water to use them. 

This Soya Biryani can be prepped in advance - the birista can be made much in advance and store it in a air tight jar until you need to use it, the vegetables can be parboiled the previous day, the rice can be washed and cooked the previous night as well. And if you know you are going to be stretched for time the day you want to make Biryani, make the masala - until you cook the tomatoes, in advance and store it in the fridge. The oil and salt will preserve the masala well. Add the vegetables and soya chunks on the day you want to make the biryani.

Biryani is best served with raita and if you like more spice, then salan.

Spicy Soya Biryani made with soya chunks, mix vegetables and basmati rice

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto.

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

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Soya Biryani Recipe

Spicy Soya Biryani made with soya chunks, mix vegetables and basmati riceSoya Biryani is a vegan layered spicy rice dish made with nutritious soya chunks and mixed vegetables cooked in a spicy tomato masala and fragrant basmati rice.

Recipe Type:  Main
Cuisine:            Indian
Prep Time:     30 minutes
Cook time:     60 minutes
Total time:     90 minutes
Yield:                Serves 3


1 cup raw Basmati Rice
0.75 cup mini Soya Chunks
1 small Carrot
5 green Beans
1 medium Potato
1 large Onion
2 medium Tomatoes
1 Tbsp Ginger Garlic paste
3 Tbsp fried Onions (Birista)
3.5 Tbsp Oil
0.5 cup Mint leaves (Pudina)
0.5 cup Coriander leaves (Dhania Patta)
1 tsp Caraway seeds (shah jeera)
2 Green Cardamom
3 Cloves
0.5" Cinnamon
0.5 tsp Stone Flower (Dagad phool)
1 tsp Fennel seeds
1 Bay leaf
0.5 tsp Turmeric Powder
0.5 tsp Coriander Powder
0.5 tsp Cumin Powder
2 tsp Biryani Powder or 1 tsp Garam Masala
1 tsp Red Chilli Powder
Salt to taste
Water as required


1. Wash the basmati rice 5-6 times until the water runs clear. Soak for 20-30 minutes.
2. In the mean while, chop the carrot, beans and potato into chunks and parboil them with a little salt.
3. Soak the soya chunks in hot water for 15 minutes and squeeze out the water once soft. Or cook the soya chunks as instructed on the packet.
4. Boil 1.5 cups of water in a pan and add a pinch of salt to it.
5. Drain the basmati rice and add to water. Cover and cook on low to medium heat until the rice is almost done. Remove from heat and fluff the rice when slightly cool.
6. Roughly crush the green cardamom, cloves, stone flower, fennel seeds and cinnamon.
7. Heat 3 Tbsp oil and add the caraway seeds.
8. Add the roughly crushed spices and bay leaf and fry for 30 seconds until fragrant.
9. Add chopped onion and ginger garlic paste. Saute until the onions are browned.
10. Add finely chopped tomatoes and saute for 2-3 minutes.
11. Add the turmeric powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, red chilli powder, biryani masala or garam masala powder and salt and mix well.
12. Cook on low heat until the tomatoes are soft. Adjust salt or spices as required.
13. Add the soya chunks, parboiled carrots, beans and potato. Mix well and cook for 5-6 minutes.
14. In a clean non stick kadhai, spread out half the cooked masala.
15. Layer half the basmati rice on the masala.
16. Top with half of the chopped coriander leaves, mint leaves and the fried onions (birista).
17. Sprinkle a little salt and add 0.5 tsp of oil.
18. Layer the remaning soya masala.
19. Layer the remaining rice.
20. Top with the remaining chopped mint leaves, coriander leaves, and fried onions.
21. Sprinkle a little salt and add the remaining oil.
22. Cover and cook on low heat for 10-12 minutes.
23. Mix while serving. Serve hot with raita.

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8 Grilled Vegetarian/Vegan Delights

A compilation of eight Vegetarian/Vegan grill recipes.

I am bringing to you a Tempting Tuesday post with lots of color and vibrance today. This post is a compilation of eight of my favorite recipes that involve grilling. Late summer is the perfect time to bring out the grill and char those beautiful summer vegetables and produce and make a healthy vibrant meal.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and bring out that grill!

Vegetarian Souvlaki Rolls [Vegan option available]

Greek flavored grilled vegetables and a zingy yogurt sauce, rolled in your favorite bread.  I highly recommend a garlic naan bread. Just the colors in this dish will brighten up your day. Use vegan yogurt to make the recipe vegan.

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Grilled Cauliflower Summer Bowls [Vegan]

A vibrant summer bowl of spicy grilled Cauliflower, chewy Black Rice, fresh vibrant summer salad all tossed with a mint coriander oil. Rainbow in a bowl!

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Grilled Vegetable Open Sandwich [Vegan]

Grilled Summer vegetables over a bed of mashed ripe avocado on a slice of crusty sourdough bread. Perfect for healthy mornings!

vegan grilled summer vegetable open sandwich

Corn Tomato Bharta [Vegan]

Pureed sweet summer tomatoes and sweet corn simmer along with aromatics and spices to make a delicious curry. Serve it up hot with roti, naan or rice.

Grilled Eggplant and Coriander Hummus Rolls [Vegan]

There is no way we are talking about grilling and skipping the eggplant. Thinly sliced eggplant is grilled and rolled with coriander (cilantro) hummus to make finger licking rolls.

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Grilled Vegetable Open Sandwich [Vegan option available]

Two crusty chunks of rye bread, a generous helping of creamy tartar sauce and the hero - a garlic and chilli marinated slab of Paneer that is grilled to perfection. Oh ya and lettuce too. That's what is in this Grilled Paneer Sub Sandwich. Replace the Paneer with Tofu to make the recipe vegan.

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Instant Paneer Tikka [Vegan option available]

Paneer, Capsicum and Tomato coated in an instant marinade of spices and grilled to make a quick weekday snack. This Paneer Tikka is perfect for the lunch box too. Replace the Paneer with Tofu to make the recipe vegan.

instant quick paneer tikka masala grilled capsicum pepper tomato spices

Bean and Grilled Veggie Burger with Coriander Cashew Sauce [Vegan]

Vegan burger with a patty made from grilled vegetables and red kidney beans and topped with a sauce made from coriander and cashews.

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If you tried these recipes, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook, tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto. 

If you like these recipes, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

You can follow One Teaspoon Of Life on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+ or you can subscribe to One Teaspoon Of Life and receive all the latest updated via Email

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Grilled Vegetable Open Sandwich Recipe

Grilled Summer vegetables over a bed of mashed ripe avocado on a slice of crusty sourdough bread. Vegan and healthy open Sandwich!

vegan grilled summer vegetable open sandwich

This post is neither inspired by some past incident, my childhood or the weather. This Grilled Vegetable Open Sandwich came into being solely because of 2 things - the awesome Sourdough bread and the soft ripe Avocado. 

I get super excited when I find a ripe avocado. I never miss a chance to pick it up. I buy it first and then think of where I can use it. The sourdough is a different story. I was in training for 2 days last week ( hence, I missed posting on Friday) at a hotel. And the hotel's bakery had this amazing looking selection of breads. That is where I picked up this extremely crusty loaf. Crusty bread and ripe avocado, in my head it had to be an open sandwich.

vegan grilled summer vegetable open sandwich

There isn't much to hide from in this Sandwich, so it is important you use the best ingredients you can. You can select the veggies you want to grill based on what's available and what you love to eat. I grilled yellow capsicum, red capsicum, broccoli and zucchini. It made my sandwich look vibrant and inviting. The peppers added a nice sweetness to the otherwise savory sandwich. And broccoli, aah, I love grilled broccoli to eat just like that with some salt sprinkled. So I made some extra. The grilled veggies can be used in tacos, burritos and rolls too, so if you have leftovers, it takes care of another meal. 

vegan grilled summer vegetable open sandwich

vegan grilled summer vegetable open sandwich

To grill the veggies, I sliced them long and drizzled a little extra virgin olive oil, the good kind, and coated the veggies. Sprinkled salt and pepper, and grilled them in the oven for 20 minutes or until my peppers blistered and browned slightly. If the day is fine, go ahead and use your outdoor grill. This Sandwich is also perfect to assemble at picnics or campfires as far as you have the veggies grilled or a place to grill them on site.

The bread was so good, I really did nothing to it. Just sliced it. To add flavor to the bread, you can toast it with butter or rub it with smashed garlic. I kept the avocado simple too, just a squeeze of line, a pinch of salt and pepper. Sometimes, simple is good.  

vegan grilled summer vegetable open sandwich

If you made this recipe, let me know! Leave a comment here or on Facebook, tag your tweet with @oneteaspoonlife on Twitter and don't forget to tag your photo #oneteaspoonoflife on Instagram. You can also email me at I'd love to see what you are upto. 

If you like this recipe, do not forget to share it with your friends and family! 

You can follow One Teaspoon Of Life on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+ or you can subscribe to One Teaspoon Of Life and receive all the latest updated via Email


Grilled Vegetable Open Sandwich Recipe

vegan grilled summer vegetable open sandwichGrilled summer vegetables and mashed ripe avocado layered on crusty sourdough bread slice. Vegan open sandwich recipe.

Recipe Type:  Sandwich
Cuisine:            International
Prep Time:     15 minutes
Cook time:     20 minutes
Total time:     35 minutes
Yield:                Serves 2


6 slices Sourdough Bread
1 ripe Avocado
1 cup Broccoli florets
0.5 Yellow Capsicum
0.5 Red Capsicum
1 small Zucchini
1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp Lime Juice
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste


1. Slice the capcisum and zucchini into bite sized pieces.
2. Place them in a bowl and add the olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix well.
3. Lay on a baking sheet and grill in the oven on high for 15-20 minutes until the veggies are slightly charred.
4. Mash the avocado with the lime juice and a pinch of salt.
5. Spread the avocado the sourdough slice and top with grilled veggies. Serve immediately.

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Bangalore Street Style Tomato Puri Chaat Recipe | Tomato Slice Recipe

Popular Bangalore Street food, made by topping tomato slices with a mix of sweet and spicy chutneys and topped off with salted puffed rice.

Bangalore Street food made by topping tomato slices with a mix of sweet and spicy chutneys and topped off with salted puffed rice

Do you want something (some what) healthy, that could ignite your taste buds? And how much more convenient would it be if this "healthy-tastebud-igniter" were ready in 15 minutes? 

Awesome!!! Right?

Presenting Tomato Puri or Tomato Slice Chaat, right from the streets of Bangalore. 

This chaat uses tomatoes like canapes. Tomato slices are flavored with sweet and tangy Tamarind-Date Chutney and the fresh and spicy Mint-Coriander Chutney. Top it up with some finely chopped onions, grated carrots and chopped coriander for added crunch. It also makes it almost a salad!! Wait, there are more toppings - the quintessential Sev, the only unhealthy thing out here. Sev is deep fried savory strands made from gram flour and is always present in any chaat. It is available in all super markets/ Indian stores very easily. After the sev, the whole plate is covered with a layer of salted puffed rice or churmuri or murmura.

Bangalore Street food made by topping tomato slices with a mix of sweet and spicy chutneys and topped off with salted puffed rice

Bangalore Street food made by topping tomato slices with a mix of sweet and spicy chutneys and topped off with salted puffed rice

If you are wondering why this is called "Puri" when there is no wheat and nothing has been deep fried, let me enlighten you my friend. The puri in the Tomato Puri is the puffed rice. Areas around Bangalore refer to it as "Kadle Puri" and hence, the puri since it overshadows the entire plate.

The chaat vendors also make versions where they replace the tomato slices with slices of cucumber. You can try that too, or make a mix of both.

Prep Advice: 
  • Since puffed rice has a tendency to soften when exposed to moisture, I suggest you add it only when you are ready to serve. 
  • The chutneys can be prepared in advance and stored in the fridge. The Tamarind-Date Chutney will last several weeks, while the Mint Coriander Chutney stays good for 2-3 days. 

Bangalore Street food made by topping tomato slices with a mix of sweet and spicy chutneys and topped off with salted puffed rice

Bangalore Street food made by topping tomato slices with a mix of sweet and spicy chutneys and topped off with salted puffed rice

Bangalore Street food made by topping tomato slices with a mix of sweet and spicy chutneys and topped off with salted puffed rice

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Tomato Puri Recipe | Tomato Slice Chaat Recipe

Bangalore Street food made by topping tomato slices with a mix of sweet and spicy chutneys and topped off with salted puffed ricePopular Bangalore Street food, made by topping tomato slices with a mix of sweet and spicy chutneys and topped off with salted puffed rice. Vegan and healthy tomato canapes recipe.

Recipe Type:  Snacks
Cuisine:            South Indian
Prep Time:     15 minutes
Cook time:     0 minutes
Total time:     15 minutes
Yield:                Serves 2


2 firm Tomatoes
1 small Onion
0.5 Carrot
2 Tbsp Coriander leaves, chopped
4 Tbsp Tamarind Date Chutney
4 Tbsp Mint Coriander Chutney
2 cups Puffed Rice
0.5 cup Sev
0.5 Lime
Salt to taste
Chaat Masala to taste


1. Slice the tomatoes, at least 3mm thick.
2. Finely chop the onions and grate the carrot.
3. Add chopped coriander to the onions and carrot. Squeeze the lime and mix well.
4. Lay out the tomatoes on the plate with no overlap.
5. Sprinkle salt and chaat masala on the tomato slices.
6. Spoon the tamarind date chutney and the mint coriander chutney on each of the tomato slices.
7. Spoon the onion-carrot mix on the tomato slices.
8. Add sev to each of the tomato slices.
9. Add the puffed rice over the tomato slices and serve immediately.
10. Don't let it sit too long, else the puffed rice will soften.

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