Baked thick sev

My husband is almost a professional junk food aka kuruklu eater. All he needs is a packet or bowl of his crunchy munchies and a TV remote in his hand to forget all about my existence. I'm sure he has some special abilities to be able to faze out my constant chatter, but he does manage to do it somehow. If he has to eat his munchies, I decided, it was time to make it as healthy as I can. Store bought ones are generally fried, hence, I decided to bake. I'm not sure about the calories saved in this one, but I can guarantee, it definitely is healthier.

Makes - 1 cup


Besan (gram flour) - 1 cup
Lime juice - 1 tsp
Turmeric - 1/2 tsp
Chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Hing (asafoetida) - a pinch
Salt - to taste
Oil - 1 tsp


1) Mix all the ingredients and make a stiff dough with water.
2) Use a chakli press with a fine hole plate. I did not have this so I used a plastic bag with a small hole at one end (like a piping bag) and piped out the sev. It is a very tiring process to pipe the dough out, better to invest in a chakli press.
3) Use a non stick baking tray and place the sev on  it and bake at 180 deg Celsius for appx 10 minutes. Remove if they start browning before 10 minutes.

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