Wholewheat Tomato & Basil bread

I often miss having the Mediterranean veggie sandwich at Panera bread for lunch. Since we don't have any Panera Bread's out here, I cannot enjoy their tomato and basil bread. Which is what set me on a path to create my own. I found several recipes on the net, but I modified them to suit me. I am not so keen on cooking with maida(flour) so I use atta (whole wheat flour) more often. I also had no parmesan cheese as the recipes asked for. Also, I added the oats and the fennel just as an experiment which worked successfully. This was a yummy breakfast today morning with oodles of butter....

Tomato & Basil bread

Before first rise

After first rise

After baking
Crust & crumb
Whole wheat flour / Atta – 1.5 cups
Oats – ½ cup
Tomato – 1
Basil leaves – 10-12
Fennel seeds / Saunf – 1 tbsp
Olive oil – 1 tsp
Active dry yeast – 1 tsp
Red chilli flakes – 1 tbsp
Tomato ketchup – 1-2 tbsp
Water – ¼ cup
Salt – ½ tsp
Puree the tomato and mince the basil
Warm the water and dissolve the yeast in it
Add the tomato puree, basil, crushed fennel seeds, red chilli flakes, tomato ketchup, oats and salt and mix well
Add the flour and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic. I kneaded for around 15 mins.
Grease a vessel with olive oil and place the dough in it. Turn the dough so that it is covered in oil. Cover the vessel and allow it to proof for 2 hours or until doubled in size.
Knead again for 1 min and place in the loaf tin or the baking sheet and allow it to rise for another 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 240 degree Celsius.
Bake for around 20-25 mins.

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